Home > News - 2021 > Equipment to reduce vibration and shaking of load in transportation was developed Expectation for transportation of biological medical products and vibration sensitive products

Equipment to reduce vibration and shaking of load in transportation was developed Expectation for transportation of biological medical products and vibration sensitive products

We developed a non-shaking system for the transportation sector with the support of the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) via the Adaptable and Seamless Technology transfer Program through target driven R&D (A-STEP)*.

In recent years, safely delivering load which can easily be affected by vibration and shaking has been in great demand in the transportation sector. Vibration isolators with springs and flexible support materials such as rubber have been used to protect load. However, these have not been effective enough in reducing vibration because vibration may be amplified due to resonance of flexible support materials. In addition, these materials have been unable to prevent the detrimental effects caused by vehicle inclination, and shaking because of speed up, slow down, and turning. The non-shaking system is developed to reduce both vibration and shaking, and to achieve quantitative transportation quality by combining JAXA’s vibration isolation technology and Tamagawa Seiki’s stabilization and anti-rocking technology.

The non-shaking system protects precision equipment, cultural property, and works of art, which may be easily affected by vibration.
It can also be used for transportation of biological medical products that tend to produce protein aggregates due to vibration. In addition to land transportation, it is also expected to be installed on aircrafts to counteract strong vibration and shaking.
The application of this system is in transportation of aircraft parts, space equipment parts, precision equipment, cultural property, and works of art that are easily affected by vibration, as well as biopharmaceuticals, which require stable transportation and careful handling to avoid vibration.

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